#thatCatalanthing: universities offering linguistic support on social networks for newcomers and those who want to help learn the language

Resources and tools
#thatCatalanthing: universities offering linguistic support on social networks for newcomers and those who want to help learn the language
University language services around Catalonia are presenting a new project to promote the linguistic resources available at Catalan universities on social networks.
Under the hashtag #thatCatalanthing, the CIFALC’s Working Group on Language Promotion has put together a campaign on social networks consisting of around a dozen entries for Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
You can find these resources at:
80 pistes: http://www.intercat.cat/ca/info/pistes.jsp
Conversem? http://www.intercat.cat/docs/conversem.pdf
Guia de suport a l’intercanvi lingüístic. http://www.intercat.cat/ca/eina.jsp?id=guiaintercanvi